Gargellner backpack reading

Gargellen | 04.09.2024 | we | 17:30 o’clock

Talstation Bergbahnen Gargellen
Teatro Caprile creates an evening full of poetry and literature.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, rail travel became fashionable. Since the Montafon could be reached quite easily by train, it was a popular summer destination for many people from Central Austria and also for ski tourists. Conversely, the "Montafon cabbage cutters" could set off via Vienna to Hungary, Serbia and sometimes even Turkey, where they found work. In autumn and winter they then told of their certainly exciting experiences in the Montafoner Stuben.

The focus of this "backpack reading" by the teatro caprile is the mountain village of Gargellen, which was never "as remote as it might seem". Katharina Grabher, Andreas Kosek and Roland Etlinger know what they are talking about, after all they got to know Gargellen for over ten years and enjoyed many nice encounters there, above all through their much-noticed theater tour “On the Run”.

In the ticket office of the Gargellner Bergbahn we experience this scenic reading by the teatro carpile, which is based in Vorarlberg and Vienna. It is atmospherically supported by the Nuevo Jazztett with Peter Cavada and Thomas Bärenzung, well known in the Montafon through many performances.

Duration of the reading approx. 1 hour

Tickets will be available shortly.


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