panorama winter Gargellen Montafon | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH Co KG Gargellen, Christoph Schöch

Current information for Gargellen in the Montafon

Webcams, weather, open lifts and events

Gargellen webcams

A picture is worth a thousand words - Our Gargellen Webcams

Position 2.277 m
Humidity 91%
Wind 4 km/h
Temperature -11°
Live data from 23:12

Gargellen current weather and weather forecast

You will find current daily information about the mountain weather in Gargellen here

Sonntag, 22.12.2024

Thick clouds and widespread snowfall throughout the whole day.
Sunshine hours: 0 Stunden
Sunrise: 08:04 Uhr
Sunset: 16:34 Uhr
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    S / W 15 km/h
  • Sun
    0 Hours
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    N / E 10 km/h
  • Sun
    0 Hours
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    N 10 km/h
  • Sun
    0 Hours


  • Montag, 23.12.2024

    Thick clouds throughout the day and snowfall for most of the time.
    -8 / -4 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      0 Hours
    • Sunrise
      08:04 o'clock
    • Sunset
      16:35 o'clock
  • Dienstag, 24.12.2024

    Dull throughout the day with frequent, but fairly light snowfall.
    -9 / -3 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      0 Hours
    • Sunrise
      08:05 o'clock
    • Sunset
      16:36 o'clock
  • Mittwoch, 25.12.2024

    Some clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any clouds
    -11 / -1 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      9 Hours
    • Sunrise
      08:05 o'clock
    • Sunset
      16:36 o'clock
Last update: 22.12.2024, 23:00 o’clock

Open facilities

Currently open in Gargellen

During winter time you will here find all open lifts, slopes and hiking trails at a glance. In summer the status of the Schafbergbahn. You find an overview of our opening times here.

Last update: 22.12.2024, 11:25 o'clock

Type Given name Status
A Gargellen Schafberg
B Gargellen Alpe - Schafberg
C Gargellner Köpfe
D Kristallbahn
F Vergalden
Type Given name Status
G Valzifenz
H Schmuggi Luggi
E Madrisa
Type Given name Status
2 Verb. Schnapfenwald
2c Verbindung Vergalden
3 Gargellner Köpfe
3a Steehüsli
4 Schmuggi Luggi
6a Schwefeltobel
7 Schlüachteck
9 Einkehrschwung
1 Schnapfenwald
1b Verbindung Schwefeltobel
8 Direkte
Type Given name Status
10 Kristallabfahrt
9a Trainingsstrecke
2a Forstweg
2b Birkenegg
5 Madrisa
6 Täli
1a Lange Seite
11 Standard
12 Gandasee
13 Rinderhütte
Given name Length Status
Gargellen - Wanderweg Schafberg 1,3 km
Gargellen Forstweg Schmalzberg 4,0 km
Given name Length Status
Gargellen Vergaldner Wäldli 4,1 km

Snow- and avalanche report

Avalanche status large
Avalanche status


8 of lifts, 38 km of pistes

Lifts Pistes Downhill runs
1 Schnapfenwald
2b Birkenegg
6a Schwefeltobel
New snow in the last 24 h
0 cm
Last snowfall
35 cm
105 cm

Gargellner Bergbahnen piste map

Events & mountain experiences in Gargellen

autumn/winter 2024/25

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Deine Auswahl:
Tag der Veranstaltung
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6 Results
16.12.2024 - 14.04.2025 | mo | 09:00 o’clock
Gargellen | Talstation Bergbahnen Gargellen

Skitouren Schnuppertag mit Bergführ

Erlebe Deine ersten Schritte auf Tourenski
More information
Ski tours
Blick hinter die Kulissen | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH Co KG Gargellen, Christoph Schöch
01.12.2024 - 21.04.2025 | tu | 15:00 o’clock
Gargellen | Bergbahnen Gargellen

View behind the scenes

a cable car presents itself
More information
Winter hiking, Tour
Skiexkursion am Abend Gargellen  | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH & Co KG, Alexander Fuchs
01.12.2024 - 21.04.2025 | we | 16:00 o’clock
Gargellen | Bergbahnen Gargellen

Ski excursion evening

Ski touring fascination
More information
Ski tours
26.12.2024 - 27.03.2025 | th | 08:15 o’clock
Gargellen | Talstation Bergbahnen Gargellen

Madrisa Rundtour

Ski tour to switzerland and back
More information
Ski tours
Tourenfest Gargellen | © Stefan Kothner
21.03. - 23.03.2025 | fr / sa / su
Gargellen | Bergbahnen Gargellen

TOURENFEST Gargellen | Montafon

At the TOUReNFEST everything revolves around ski tours and snowboard tours.
More information
Ski tours
Frauen Berg Gaudi | © Stefan Friedrich Mayr Photography
30.08.2025 | sa | 08:00 o’clock
Gargellen | Montafon | Bergbahnen Gargellen

Frauen Berg Gaudi

Running fun in between Grüaß Di and Grüezi!
More information
Hiking in the mountains
6 Results


Current weather conditions on the Schafberg plateau in Gargellen

-4°C 6cm

Gargellen Cableways webcams in the Montafon

The current situation in the mountains

Kristallbahn Gargellen

2.277 m, Gargellen

Open lifts

Currently open lifts of the Gargellen Cableways


7 from 8 open Lifts
13 from 21 open Pistes
0 from 0 open Toboggan runs
0 from 0 open Cross-country ski trails
3 from 3 open Winter hiking trails
0 from 0 open Other

Buy your ticket online

Gargellen Cableways webshop

All Gargellen Cableways tickets and the Montafon Brandnertal Card are available in our webshop.


We are happy to provide further assistance

T. +43 5557 6310