© Montafon Tourismus GmbH

Skitouren Schnuppertag mit Bergführ

Erlebe Deine ersten Schritte auf Tourenski

16.12.2024 - 14.04.2025 | mo | 09:00 - 14:00 o’clock

Talstation Bergbahnen Gargellen | Bergbahnstraße Gargellen | 6787 St. Gallenkirch

Discover the fascination of ski touring with your Montafon mountain guide. Have you always wanted to know what it feels like to ski tour in the snow? You can experience this on a ski touring taster day. During a short ski touring tour, a state-certified mountain guide will show you the basic techniques and explain what equipment and basic knowledge you need to get started with ski touring. This day is aimed at absolute ski touring beginners - intermediate skiing ability is usually sufficient.

State-certified mountain and ski guide from the Montafon Mountain Guide Association

more information on meeting point and price can be found at: https://www.montafon-bergfuehrer.at/

Talstation Bergbahnen Gargellen | Bergbahnstraße Gargellen | 6787 St. Gallenkirch


Skiexkursion am Abend Gargellen  | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH & Co KG, Alexander Fuchs

Ski excursion evening

Ski touring fascination

Madrisa Rundtour

Ski tour to switzerland and back
Blick hinter die Kulissen | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH Co KG Gargellen, Christoph Schöch

View behind the scenes

a cable car presents itself
Not the right one yet?
All mountain experiences


Current weather conditions on the Schafberg plateau in Gargellen

-1°C 0.4cm

Gargellen Cableways webcams in the Montafon

The current situation in the mountains

Kristallbahn Gargellen

2.277 m, Gargellen

Open lifts

Currently open lifts of the Gargellen Cableways


7 from 8 open Lifts
20 from 21 open Pistes
0 from 0 open Toboggan runs
0 from 0 open Cross-country ski trails
2 from 3 open Winter hiking trails
0 from 0 open Other

Buy your ticket online

Gargellen Cableways webshop

All Gargellen Cableways tickets and the Montafon Brandnertal Card are available in our webshop.


We are happy to provide further assistance

T. +43 5557 6310
E-Mail info@traumschnee.at