Gargellen in Vorarlberg

The smugglers’ village at 1,423 metres

The highest mountain village in the Montafon at 1,423 metres has a natural and pristine element. Crunching snow and crystal-clear air – in the “snow village” of Gargellen everything is white in winter. During the warm season, mountain lovers can enjoy untouched nature in pleasant peace on blooming Alpine meadows. Charming and practised hospitality is not amiss among hosts.

The imposing Madrisa majestically towers over the Alpine valley gorge – a place that satisfies every desire for a unique mountain world. Here you can walk on paths that were once used by smugglers: In the border region between the Montafon and Switzerland, the Madrisa circuit leads over a high-altitude hike through to the Swiss confederates, in winter it can be experienced as an exhilarating ski tour. Always accompanied by a touch of thrill.

Whether with a guide or alone, when setting off from your accommodation there is an abundance of unparalleled nature, in which everyone can find a sporting challenge. Exciting climbing experiences at high altitudes and lush routes through colourful meadows in the warmer seasons, long pistes in the valley and accompanied snow activities away from the bustle in the winter months. Awakening all the senses, perfect in itself.

My hosts in Gargellen

Find the right accommodation for you.

Room / Apartment 1
Age of children

Your direct booking advantages

  • We know our hosts personally
  • Best price and largest selection
  • Free and secure booking
  • Maximum protection: Booking on the official website
Book your personal holiday now!

My mountain experiences in Gargellen

Skiexkursion am Abend Gargellen  | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH & Co KG, Alexander Fuchs

Ski excursion evening

Ski touring fascination

Discover the Gargellner Fenster

Charming circular hiking trail with exciting insights and views
Blick hinter die Kulissen | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH Co KG Gargellen, Christoph Schöch

View behind the scenes

a cable car presents itself
© Montafon Tourismus GmbH,

Hike on the smuggler path in Gargellen

Cross-border hike with breathtaking views
© Montafon Tourismus GmbH

Snowshoe hike Gargellen

Exploring the highest mountain village of Montafon

Klettersteig Röbischlucht | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Daniel Zangerl

Röbischlucht via ferrata

Along the thunderous waters
Haven’t found the right one yet? You can find more right here!
All mountain experiences at a glance

Did you know that...

Friedrich Juen is a direct descendant of the legendary smuggler Meinrad Juen?

Friedrich Juen | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Patrick Säly

“The darker the night and the poorer the weather, the better the conditions for smuggling.”

On the trail of the Montafon smugglers

Daredevil men and women from the border areas between Austria and Switzerland transported anything they could over the mountains in their frame rucksacks out of necessity. The hot goods were even sometimes brought to the Viktualienmarkt in Munich. Popular goods were unroasted coffee beans, which could not be smelt by the customs officers, as well as wine and cereals. The shrewd smugglers were also able to think of something to distract from their tracks. For example, in order to deceive their pursuers, they nailed the soles onto their shoes reversed. Even today, some things will remind you of the smugglers, and you can hike through a piece of their world on magnificent mountain tours.

Gargellen native Friedrich Juen, great-nephew of Meinrad Juen, a particularly crafty smuggler tells the stories in a particularly authentic manner.

Friedrich talks about smuggling

My services in Gargellen

All important information at a glance.

Live images from Gargellen

Panoramic webcam at Kristallbahn

Position 2.277 m
Humidity 53%
Wind S / W 6 km/h
Temperature -2°
Live data from 02:03

We recommend the following tours in Gargellen

© Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Daniel Zangerl

Smugglers’ Path - Crossing borders

medium-difficulty hike | 8.5 km | 5.00 hrs | ↗ 601 vm |
↘ 601 vm
Schmugglerland Gargellen Montafon | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH Co KG Gargellen, Christoph Schöch

Smugglers’ Land

easy hiking tour | 2.8 km | 0.52 hrs | ↗ 103 vm | ↘ 103 vm
Alpe Vergalda | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH, Schruns, Andreas Haller

To the Vergaldaalpe

medium-difficulty hiking tour | 9.2 km | 4.38 hrs | ↗ 470 vm |
↘ 470 vm
Madrisa Rundtour, Skitouren Vorarlberg | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Stefan Kothner

Small Madrisa circuit

difficult ski tour | 13.3 km | 4.00 hrs | ↗ 650 vm | ↘ 1,200 vm
Klettersteig Gargellner Koepfe  | © Gargellner Bergbahnen GmbH Co KG Gargellen, Daniel Zangerl

VAUDE Gargellner Köpfe via ferrata

medium-difficulty via ferrata | 3.6 km | 2.06 hrs | ↗ 312 vm |
↘ 312 vm
Madrisa Rundtour, Skitouren Vorarlberg | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Stefan Kothner

Madrisa circuit

medium-difficulty ski tour | 45.7 km | 5.00 hrs | ↗ 300 vm |
↘ 2,050 vm
Gargellen im Winter | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Patrick Säly

Gargellen Schmalzberg forest path

medium-difficulty snowshoe hike | 3.1 km | 0.59 hrs |
↗ 113 vm | ↘ 113 vm

Gargellen Window loop hiking trail

medium-difficulty hike | 6.7 km | 2.37 hrs | ↗ 370 vm |
↘ 371 vm
Alpe Rongg | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH, Schruns, Daniel Zangerl

Large village loop hiking trail

medium-difficulty hiking tour | 7.7 km | 2.30 hrs | ↗ 396 vm |
↘ 402 vm
© Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Daniel Zangerl

Madrisa circuit (one-day)

difficult hiking tour | 17.2 km | 6.15 hrs | ↗ 764 vm |
↘ 1,438 vm
Haven’t found the right tour yet? You can find more right here!
An overview of all tours

My local experts

Do you have any questions or do you need an insider tip? We will be happy to advise you.

Tourismusinformation Gargellen

Gargellnerstraße 28 A, 6787 Gargellen

Getting there

Tourism information Gargellen | Gargellnerstraße 28 A | 6787 Gargellen


Gargellen over the course of the seasons.

Wetter im Montafon

St. Anton im Montafon
St. Gallenkirch-Gortipohl


Your window on us in the Montafon

Kristallbahn Gargellen

2.277 m, Gargellen

Find a host

We are happy to help you find the right accommodation in Gargellen.

Room / Apartment 1
Age of children

Your direct booking advantages

  • We know our hosts personally
  • Best price and largest selection
  • Free and secure booking
  • Maximum protection: Booking on the official website
Book your personal holiday now!


We are here to help you.

You can reach the Montafon tourism office service centre by telephone and email:

Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm
Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays from 9 am to 3 pm

T. +43 50 6686
Service centre Montafon