Kapelle Maria Schnee
Donated in 1637 by Lukas Tschofen II., member of a respected 17th century family from Gaschurn, due to a vow made for deliverance from great need. During the Baroque, the chapel was an important pilgrimage site of symbolic character. Inside are traditional Baroque art with rare illustrations of the Turin Shroud (on the altar of grace, 17th century) and the legend “Maria Schnee” (ceiling painting on the right in the nave). The holy figures of Lukas and Anna above the choir vault are pointing to Lukas Tschofen III. (owner of the biggest Montafon guest house in the 17th century) and his wife, Anna Clawothin. The Lukas Tschofen parlour in the town hall is in memory of Lukas Tschofen VI.